At CDS we aim to offer pricing that families can afford! Please check out our class pricing policies below.
Ask us about our special pricing for families of 3 or more!!!
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- Costume Fee– Our costumes range from $60-$70. A $30 costume deposit is required for each class they are enrolled in during the months of October and November with any remaining balance due by December 15th.
- Recital Fee– This fee of $65 is due in March. It includes a recital tee shirt for one dancer and two tickets, per family, for each show the dancers are in, as well as a digital recital copy. Additional recital tickets may be purchased.
- Class Tuition- Class tuition is based on an annual course fee and not by individual classes and/or weeks. Class tuition is due the first class of each month. Payments not received by the 7th of any given month will automatically be charged tuition to the credit card on file. We accept Visa, Master Card, FlexFit, cash, and checks *made payable to “Carmarie’s Dance” . (Specific class prices are listed below)